Not only did I leave the door open I put a big fan

in it to blow all the cold down your way. Well guess what --- It is working
Last Sunday I was unloading part of a drill rig at Franklin Bluffs which is 40 miles south of Deadhorse Alaska. The Temperature was -54* at 6am 1/13/08. It was still close to -50 when I went by there on Tuesday. When I went by on Friday it had warmed up to above zero. This Sunday 1/20/08 I was there unloading a Superduty

and the temp was +40*

. That is a 94 degree change in a week. Now tell me this big fan I turned on isn't blowing it your way. Our power rates have went way up in the last month but I don't care, I am leaving the fan on..
Current temp here is 27 with light snow

Forecast calls for "Snow. Freezing rain may occur at times. Additional snow accumulation 3 to 5 inches. Storm total snowfall 5 to 8 inches...heaviest amounts at higher elevations. Temperatures in the 20s to lower 30s. Light winds". There was a layer of frozen rain and a few inches of snow on my truck when I got in tonight. Had to let her warm-up for a bit to get the windows deiced so I could drive home. We also got 8" of snow a few days ago so it is starting to add up a little.
Temp is suppose to stay above zero until Wednesday so you guys just hold on to the cold

Will be -25 Wednesday night so you guys should warm up then.
Do you mind if we thaw for a few days or is it all about YOU??