All painted up and ready to go 

Not bad in theory but you have nothing that is load tested. If it ever had problems that would be a concern. Hopefully it will work well for you.
Crumm said:A standard 18" extension that goes into a factory receiver is rated for 350/3500 as long as the factory receiver is rated for it minus 1/3. My stock receiver is rated for 600/6000 so that puts it at 400/4000 with the extension. Both my boat with trailer and my wells cargo are much less than that so I would be good with just the extension. Even though I would be fine I wanted a little more for our rough Alaska roads
Was putting the summer gear away today and did a thorough inspection of the hitch extension. We have two seasons on the hitch now and it has performed flawlessly. Must have around 4000 miles with it towing either the wells cargo or boat and not one worry or problemLet us know how it works out for you.