Your not going to believe this sh&t!! I got down to Macon and it popped the head AGAIN!!!!! I turned around and went back and ALL the shop guy came out to see why I was back. I showed them and Bill and they went nuts. Bills now pulling the motor and tearing it down and going to flux it and have it X-ray the block. The machinist was there and he told me the heads were presser tested and flux tested and other then a very small dip that was taken out in one pass they were fine. Bills now going building a motor for the truck. One of the guys showed me the old set of head gaskets and clear as day theres the blown spot pass side back to cycl. of the motor.
They put 140 miles on the truck before I picked it up, there was no problems. I get it and hook up the jeep and then it happens. It only happening when it towing something. I did pick up that the boost gage was dropping down from 29 to 30 pounds. Does the 04 have a over boost buzzer or something. I'm now wondering if theres a over boost problem. Guys what do you think?
My butt is trashed after a 1076 miles and 24 hours driving.
490 up, break down 96 miles back to bills then 490 home I really really HATE Atlanta traffic
A real fast way to know if your heads are blown. Look at the back of your degas bottle if the coolant is bubbling with the motor running then your heads are popped.
He does about 2 trucks a week with head problems. His guys said they have not had a truck with this kind of a problem in 5 years. Most of his work are guys with king ranch's that do this as a preventive head problems. He's done me fine other then not getting to the root of problem. I would not want to go thought this with a dealer off warranty.