SDD Junior Member
I'm Back after a month and change of delivering furiture every day and I have a situation. Right before christmas my truck hiccupped like you shut off the fuel, a few minutes later it did it again and died. SES light came on and edge evolution came up with CPS intermittent( i forgot to write the PO #). Fired right back up and was fine for a week. Pulled TT to Houston for a wedding and New Years and it died again in Giddings (half way) fired right back up and went the rest of the way. Now Sunday, new years eve, will not start (and no movement on the tach...thank you for the info) the only place open and with a cps was Auto zone. purchased and installed new cps. It made it back to Giddings (???pattern) when we stopped to get a snack the truck shuttered and died, SES light on, now evolution will not work.light on no screen. Re installed old cps, fired right back up and went home. 3 days later on a delivery, truck shut down with same symptoms. Got money back from AZ as no replacement available for days, purchased new one from NAPA. Truck ran fine until yesterday then the same hiccup and SES light. Evo worked enough to say CPS intermittent again. EVO is on it's way to warranty. But what are the odds of two bad CPS from two different sources? Any Ideas are welcome.
P.S. juice module and evolution were gone when last SES occurred
P.S. juice module and evolution were gone when last SES occurred