You will also need a test kit ACU-4048 that includes the 328-2050 strips. Cost is 30.00 plus shipping. Testing that you need to do is listed in your diesel supplement manual.
The 328-2050 strips are most important for Nitrite contamination. (happens when someone tops off with the wrong antifreeze).
The ACU-4048 strips are used to test (ELC) extended life coolant (the factory fill).
Educate yourself on the ELC. Not many Ford dealers are up to par on what you are wanting to do.
Acustrip is a good source for your needs. Also look at ACU-071 for 65.00 (5 tests) vs ACU-4048 (2 tests). Test strips have a life span of about 2 years, plan ahead for your needs. Good luck.
Bronco Ron