SDD Junior Member
My Conti's are almost toast. only have 24K on them. i might be able to get another 2K out of them.....
waiting for tax time to get some new tires. looking at the Cooper ATR's in the 18's
what are you running your tire psi at?? I keep seeing posts where people are only getting 20-30K miles out of the Conti tires. I took delivery of my 07 in June of 06, ran the tires at the 65 Front/75 Rear specs and rotated them only twice in 60,200 miles. The rears were toast at 2/32" but the fronts still had 4/32" so I saved them just in case something happened to one of the new tires down the road.
I will agree with the fact Ford should have paid me to put up with these tires. I would just settle for getting the $175 back that I gave them to put all terrain tires on my $35,000 truck when I ordered it. Though I'm afraid of what might have come with it if I hadn't paid extra......probably some pos all season radial with tread that resembles what you'd see on your grandma's Oldsmobile