sooo.... I wanted to change out my armrests and center console for a jumpseat, and i did. I bought the jumpseat off of ebay. He called it an "'06 take out" that had never been used, but its a little old for that. it has a tiny signs of use, but nothing major.
Old and busted:
New hotness:
A little step by step action: remove the 5 torx bolts holding both seats down. My driver's seat had two plugs underneath, and the passenger only one. Remove both seats.
Then i removed the armrests by pulling the cover back and removing the torx bolt holding them in...
This leaves ~ 3/4" metal stud sticking out of the seat that was the up and down stop for the armrest. I hacksawed these off. As an aside....if your hacksaw blade is dull, this part sucks biggidyballs.
This leaves little ghetto holes in the insides of your driver and passenger seat
but...that's ok, because the new seat covers them up. I initially though the jumpseat bolted into all the existing seat mounts. I found out that this is true only for the front mounts. the rears weren't lining up at all, and i got worried thinking the 06 brackets were different from the 02 holes, etc...when i realized there were holes in my floorpan just covered up with sticktape and under the carpet.
I didn't have any more bolts, so I need to pick up some grade 8 hardware and get the back brackets bolted down.
other than that....i'm a fan. i like it so much better already. first of all you dont have to dig all the way down to the floor of the truck to fish stuff out of the console, but what I like the most is that the armrest is much wider and higher. just what I wanted. You get the added benefit of a center seat, but if you've got the handshaker like I do....the only person in that center seat better be your lady, otherwise you're in for some awkward moments.
Old and busted:

New hotness:

A little step by step action: remove the 5 torx bolts holding both seats down. My driver's seat had two plugs underneath, and the passenger only one. Remove both seats.
Then i removed the armrests by pulling the cover back and removing the torx bolt holding them in...

This leaves ~ 3/4" metal stud sticking out of the seat that was the up and down stop for the armrest. I hacksawed these off. As an aside....if your hacksaw blade is dull, this part sucks biggidyballs.

This leaves little ghetto holes in the insides of your driver and passenger seat

but...that's ok, because the new seat covers them up. I initially though the jumpseat bolted into all the existing seat mounts. I found out that this is true only for the front mounts. the rears weren't lining up at all, and i got worried thinking the 06 brackets were different from the 02 holes, etc...when i realized there were holes in my floorpan just covered up with sticktape and under the carpet.

I didn't have any more bolts, so I need to pick up some grade 8 hardware and get the back brackets bolted down.

other than that....i'm a fan. i like it so much better already. first of all you dont have to dig all the way down to the floor of the truck to fish stuff out of the console, but what I like the most is that the armrest is much wider and higher. just what I wanted. You get the added benefit of a center seat, but if you've got the handshaker like I do....the only person in that center seat better be your lady, otherwise you're in for some awkward moments.