Cold Wheather

Mr. Vermilion

SDD Junior Member
Sep 11, 2009
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The wheather's gettin' ready to change and I need to know the best point of attack when gettin' my truck ready for the cold temps. What's the best anti-gel additive to use, what to service on the truck such as filters and etc. I'm ready for an oil change now and I'm going with synthetic. Probably also considering servicing the tranny and rear end. I've been payin' too much attention to the looks of the truck, I gotta concentrate on takin' care of her now and not quite sure where to start. Thanks for any input you guys have, it will be valued. Oh and bye the way it has 61,000 on it if that helps at all.
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Lubrication Addict!
Mar 30, 2008
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Vermilion: U will receive alot of different advice within your questions. But I will give u my opinion.

1. Anti-Gel Additive-->Power Service--{White Bottle}-->Most popular Next I think is Howes... Both these are normally found at WM or truck stops. My favorite is Alterra Diesel Maxx & SoyPower. Alterra DieselMaxx The secret is pour it in before it gets below freezing... that way the additive is in through out your fuel system.

I Change my oil and fuel filters both--? Once before summer and Once before winter.

I use amsoil in everything except my motor. I have been a dealer and preferred customer for 19yrs...It's a top notch product... but there are a few others out there that are as good. If I wasn't using Amsoil I would use Schaeffers... I'm a believer in the additive Moly... again just my opinion. If you live in a cold region? Ya might think about running a 5W-40 synthetic yr round... Most owners switch back and forth... 15W-40 in the summer months and 5W-40 synthetic in the winter. Just depends on your bank account and your preference. Now! others will say the only way you will get the full benefit of a 5W-40 synthetic, is to install a dual or single oil by-pass system and extend your oil drain intervals to 10K or 20K or 50K miles instead of 5K miles. Again... Thats up too you and your pocket book. This will stir up many many opinions and advice. I myself with my winter oil change do a mix of Mobil Delvac 15W-40--2Gals & M1 TDT 5W-40 synthetic --1Gal & 2Qts... It really helps my 7.3L start easier and faster when it's below freezing... I would go all synthetic, but I can't afford a by-pass system at this time.

Rotella 5W-40 syn-M1 TDT 5W-40 syn-Schaeffers 9000 5W-40 syn-Valvoline Extreme PB 5W-40 syn-Delo 5W-40 syn-MC 5W-40 syn-->All excellent performers.

If you chose to stay with a dino oil--15W-40? There are many good oils... Jusk don't go past 5K mile OCI if you have a 6.0L. They shear the oil so bad and fast.

Here's what I have in my 01
Front & Rear Diff--->Amsoil Severe Gear--75W-90 in Front 75W-140 in Rear
Transfer Case------>Amsoil Torque Drive ATF

If you tow alot with extended hours of towing... I would recommend an aluminum-finned-rear diff cover with a drain plug...makes changing so easy, since you will need to keep fresh gear oil in there... towing really heats that rearend up.

I also suk out my Power Steering Fluid and Brake Fluid and pour in new, before every winter. A bit anal, but I sleep good at night because of it.

Like I said, if you receive alot of replies to your post, u will receive alot of different opinions and advice... Everyone has there favorite brands, which is kewl... U have to choose for yourself what you feel comfortable with pouring into your expensive investment. There are many good oils and lubes on the market today... Just do some research and try one at a time. My 7.3L seems to idle and run differently on different oils. Time to judge for yourself. 6.0L are even harder on oils so, do some research.

Good Luck

Fill out your sig... Let others know what type of Truck you drive and the Mods that U have added.
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Mr. Vermilion

SDD Junior Member
Sep 11, 2009
Reaction score
This is exactly what I was looking for, someone who's been through alot and knows. I'm sure I'll get alot of opinons, I'll sort through the suggestions and come up with the best solution but with with your detailed explanation, I should be on the right track. The weather does'nt get below the teens usually and I do heavy towing once in a while as I have a 30ft. travel trailor. The Mag Hytec covers are deinitely on the list. Any suggestions on brand of fuel filters?


Lubrication Addict!
Mar 30, 2008
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If you have a 6.0L try to stick with Motorcraft... I have heard something about, with this filter some of the other companies didn't design their filters quite the same... Look into that first. I think Wix finally corrected their problem.

If you have the 7.3L--> I use baldwin with a lid already attached... The reason? my old lid cracked... Never a problem with this set up. Wix-MC-Racor-Fleetguard-Purolator-AFE-Donaldson---->all good quality filters... Keep them changed often... those fuel injectors are not cheap.

MJ Synthetics

Full Access Member
Mar 11, 2009
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So Calif
I agree with just about everything Syn PSD said. Especially the syn gear oils in the diffs. If you have a 7.3 the dual bypass unit is a great addition and greatly extend your OCI. The 6.0 is a bypass is a single bypass used in conjunction with the OEM filter.

Let me know if you decide to use syn oils in the truck and if you want to price the bypass. I can get you set up on the wholesale preferred customer program with my SDD offer in a jiffy and you will buy at dealer cost. You will also have access to Wix filters at wholesale which would be a good choice for a fuel filter.


Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Fort McMurray/Alberta
Cold Weather

I live where it regularly gets to -40, so I guess I can give you some info.

If you run clean fuel formulated for winter, you shouldn't need any additives, least not in Canada (maybe our fuel is better!!!).

Without a doubt the best thing you can do for the cold weather is 5W-40 synthetic oil. It will start better, easier. IMO the thing that causes the most grief for the 6.0 is the wrong viscosity for temperature when starting. The injectors just won't work properly when you have the wrong stuff in the pan.

The trans is already synthetic, as is the rear diff, but synthetic anywhere is superior. I use Amsoil myself.

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