This morning I had to use the 87 Turbo diesel to boost the 2005 Ford, that refused to start, I have 15 / 40 Rotella T in it, because I planned to spend the winter in florida. The truck would start but as I released the key of the start mode it would not keep running. I had to try 4 times before it started. It is very funny to see the $200.00 diesel VW used to charge the batteries and boost the $25000 Super Duty. The VW started right off this morning with 15/40 Oil in it to. It was 5 Deg F outside. This same thing happened to me 2 days ago but the batteries allowed it to start on its own. It seam that the oil is to tick and does not fire the injectors. What will it be if the temperature was much lower. What weight of oil does Ford put in it, is it 5/30 or 10/30. I always use 15/40 in the winter in all my diesels for the past 15 years. Found the 5/50 synthetic would make my VW hard to start because the compression would not build up fast enough. With 5/50 I had to plug them in while with 15/40 they start right off at any temperature. GM was the same for me I never plug them in ever.