Can someone please explain what the heck is going on???

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
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Spokane, WA
94f450sd said:
ill probably get chewed a new butt hole for this but im gonna say it any ways.if they wanna fight and kill each other over there LET THEM!!its not our problem.instead of feeding thier poor,hungry and homeless,take care of our own poor hungry and homeless people.

sadam killing his own people,oh well.apparantly they must have liked it or they wouldve done something about it them selves.i think a whole country of people could have taken him out with ease.

this "war on terror"is a crock of s*%t if you ask me.if i remember correctly the war was started because osama had guys fly planes into the world trade center and the pentagon.why the hell did we attack iraq that had nothing to do with it?why dont we have osama?im still waiting to see the WMDs that sadam supposedly had.i would imagine that somebody from our country has seen them in order for bush to decide sadam had them and use it for an excuse to attack if somebody has seen them,where the hell are they??????

well these are my views,thoughs and questions in wich i am entitled too.if yall dont like it oh well.:sorry

I have to disagree. These people want us dead. Not because of things we’ve done (though, admittedly, many of our acts have been misconstrued and certainly haven’t helped) but because we are not them, we are not Muslim, and they feel like non-Muslims must die.

Many Americans had the same view that you did before WWII. And it is a very valid viewpoint. I truly wish it were as simple as “let them do their thing, and we’ll do ours.” As in WWII, today, we do not have that luxury. They are coming to kill us. We can wait and ignore the problem until they grow powerful enough from the world’s appeasement techniques that they can actually hurt us BAD, or we can go clean up now and solve the problem while it is still relatively painless to do so. Iran will have nukes in months, if they do not already. North Korea already has them, and would not hesitate to sell them if the price was right.

In 1942, we got lucky. The Japs didn’t get our carriers, didn’t hurt us as bad as they could have, and stopped with Pearl Harbor. Many historians think that a Japanese ground invasion would have made it to Chicago by the time we managed to get it stopped. Can you imagine how different things would be today? Can you believe how LUCKY we got???

We cannot count on being that lucky again. We MUST learn from past mistakes. When your enemy is dedicated to your destruction, no amount of appeasement or diplomacy will help. Fighting for YOUR KIND of peace is not futile, and is in no way like screwing for virginity, as was suggested. You CAN have peace without fighting for it. It may just be peace from someone else’s viewpoint, which could mean you in chains, in jail, living in a concentration camp, or beheaded in a mass grave somewhere. It is naive to think in a world full of extremists that we can survive without AGGRESSIVELY defending what is ours, even if it means preemptively striking our enemies before they strike us.

It may sit a little sour in the bellies of a lot of bleeding hearts, with their liberal guilt and hatred of everything American. It may also sit sour in the bellies of those of you that think it is none of America’s business, and that we are sticking our noses in other’s affairs. This is very short sighted and (forgive me) ignorant of the true nature of the state of affairs.

In the 90’s, we pretty much left the Middle East alone, once we’d finished with Gulf War I. Look where it got us. Two World Trade Center bombings, a blown up Pentagon, a destroyed USS Cole, bombed barracks in Africa, (the list goes on, you want me to continue???)

THESE PEOPLE WANT US DEAD, and will come after us whether we stick to our business or not. The question is NOT whether or not to fight them. The question is how LONG do we wait, and how POWERFUL do we let them get before we fight them. They have decided that we ARE GOING to fight. We need to decide if it is going to be on THEIR terms or OURS.


Apr 5, 2005
Reaction score
Rookie said:
Just a thought here but what if we just stop tying to mold the world into what a few think is a perfect democracy. It seems the more we poke our nose into the middle east the dirtier it gets. If they want to destroy each other, let them. They've been fighting for thousands of years already, who are we to step in. It used to be only a few nations hated us now even Canada is backing away. When did we become such an arrogant nation of shoot first ask questions later. We keep stepping into situations to fix but we make a bigger mess than before.

I have two words for our elected officals, STOP IT. Take a break and listen to what's going on around you. Does someone have to fly a plane into a building to get your attention?

This reminds me a saying I used to hear a few years ago, Fighting for peace is like sc****ing for virginity... I guess we didn't learn anything from that...:(

a graduate of the war college of SE Aisa,

and that's all I'm going to say...

If they would just fight with each other that would be great but they do not so it is not.


certified nutjob
Oct 13, 2005
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RenoF250 said:
If they would just fight with each other that would be great but they do not so it is not.

well everytime those countries over there start fighting with each other who is the first to step right in the middle of it????umm let me think for a minute...........WE DO!

i have other thoughts but they would end up starting a war here and get this thread locked so there will be no more coments from me here.

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