id be SELLING his video games as a lesson in how this damage will
be paid for !
seems granny is afraid to beat the little bastard...probably why her
daughter isnt around taking care of the kid <since the disrespectful
little brat lives w/ granny>.
at least granny is STEPPING be takin' the basketball goal back TOO !
Gotta love how the cop says theyre gonna charge 'em JUST to get 'em
into the system....admirable....but i fear we ALL be takin' care of this
problem in the future !
In Florida, the so called child protection agencies will charge parents and grandparents with child abuse if they witness an "ass whuppin". So the grandmother has a legitimate fear.
That being said, the local sheriff's deputies in this part of Florida will turn a blind eye to corporal punishment if it fits the crime. Use your hand or a belt, you won't have a problem.
Use a two by four or a tire iron, and you may have some issues to discuss.
If MY grandson were old enough to do this sort of damage, they have places on Eglin AFB where a body would never be found.