Bout to buy 08


Full Access Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weatherford, Tx
Well im not going to get a Ford. None of the dealers around here are dealing so ill just keep the dmax. Next year the company will buy it, and ill get an 09 F-150! Well by then a '10 F-150! Ha that sounds funny...


SDD Junior Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time dealing on a new truck. I bought a new 08 in April of this year and got 9k off sticker price (48k). I live in MN and all the dealers around here offered me "cost" minus the Ford incetive for the month. No dealer gave me any more exept the one i bought it from. In the price range i was looking at, cost meant I got 4k off the MSRP, the dealer i bought it from ate 1k on top of that then Ford's discount for 9k off the truck. That was the absolute best I could do; and i worked on it for 6 mos. It seems to me Ford will not let any additional dealing be done. Don't be too upset if you don't get one, I had the itch and it's my first diesel, but this motor (6.4L) really does eat fuel. You pull 2500 lbs and the mielage goes down by about 2.5 - 3 mpg's. I'm sure your Dura isn't that bad. Keep with what's proven for now.

By the way, if you want a 150 in the next few years, I would personally wait for the diesel motor, it is supposed to get rediculous mieleage, plus the power when you need it. Good luck.


Full Access Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weatherford, Tx

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time dealing on a new truck. I bought a new 08 in April of this year and got 9k off sticker price (48k). I live in MN and all the dealers around here offered me "cost" minus the Ford incetive for the month. No dealer gave me any more exept the one i bought it from. In the price range i was looking at, cost meant I got 4k off the MSRP, the dealer i bought it from ate 1k on top of that then Ford's discount for 9k off the truck. That was the absolute best I could do; and i worked on it for 6 mos. It seems to me Ford will not let any additional dealing be done. Don't be too upset if you don't get one, I had the itch and it's my first diesel, but this motor (6.4L) really does eat fuel. You pull 2500 lbs and the mielage goes down by about 2.5 - 3 mpg's. I'm sure your Dura isn't that bad. Keep with what's proven for now.

By the way, if you want a 150 in the next few years, I would personally wait for the diesel motor, it is supposed to get rediculous mieleage, plus the power when you need it. Good luck.

Yeh im planning on the diesel indeed! I dont do gas engines...

Well i had a dealer yesterday say 13k off, but it still wasnt enough for me. O well, i dont care. The dmax is ok, it just frequents the shop and now that its outta warranty im nervous about it day in and day out. So its a wreck. And it gets about what the 6.4's get...sad. But sometimes i can get 20 hwy. others i get 15. Its goofy.

It did however get to tow its heaviest load today and yesterday. A s250 bobcat. total weight was 13k. Pulled it pretty good, (my 04 6.0 pulled this same load with ease tho!) I was happy it did it. I just want it to last one more year then i can sell it to the company. If i still have one...Im going to get taxed to death thanks to our new president :( ...


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2006
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Cranberry Twp,PA
Powerstrokeguy, I just priced a new 09 loaded to the gills. MSRP was $58435, dealer gave me a price of $47000. Thats an 09, so you should be able to get an 08 for about 43-45k. Keep looking, the deals are out there!


Full Access Member
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weatherford, Tx
Powerstrokeguy, I just priced a new 09 loaded to the gills. MSRP was $58435, dealer gave me a price of $47000. Thats an 09, so you should be able to get an 08 for about 43-45k. Keep looking, the deals are out there!

I figure i may try in late december. They usually really are pushing them then. Well see. The truck i want MSRP's for 44k!! You have a fantastic looking truck by the way!

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