Question Bogging noise... Turbo, Transmission, I don't know..


Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Jackson, NJ
I posted a while back on here well over 2 years ago regarding a bogging noise I was hearing randomly. I thought it had something to do with the turbo. That's what it sounded like. Because when the bog noise started I lost power and when I really got on the gas the truck didnt go anywhere. Well, I had a friend in my truck the other day for the first time, while I was towing my drag car out to the track and he heard the noise and said it was my trans slipping. Now the more I pay attention to it I hear the noise almost everytime the trans shifts into overdrive, especially when towing. What's your takes on this?

I have 110,000 miles on it now. The Trans was serviced back in Janruary 2006 at 77955 miles on the truck. If it is slipping what options do I have from the cheapest to the most expensive. What am I looking at paying for these options... I would like to put an Allison in it, is that even possible?



Mar 18, 2007
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wallingford, CT
allison transmissions arent indestructable like everyone thinks, and the amount of time and money involved with the swap in my opinion would not be worth it.

you could try flushing the tranny fluid and it may buy you some time.

BTS is very well liked around here for tranny's, but i have no experience with him so i dont know about pricing or options.


CRJ & ERJ A&P Mech.
Apr 11, 2005
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Da U.P.
Brian's is in NW Arkansas. If you can't get to him, he will ship one to you.
I've had a BTS tranny for many years now. I love it, it's hasn't skipped a beat for about 130K miles so far.

While maybe not the cheapest option, there is not a better tranny available at any price. He builds what is arguably the most "bullet proof" 4r100 around. Add to that, Brian's customer service can't be beat either.
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Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Jackson, NJ
Yeah I saw quotes on other forums. I am looking at prices near and upwards of $4,000. :dizzy Thats expensive. My race tranny for my drag car is only $1200 and thats with about 850-900 HP in front of it! I dunno. The only thing I can do is call the guy and see what he says. Im sure a good part of that $4,000 is shipping from what I heard. As of right now everyone that has replied agrees that it's the transmission. So that's what I am guessing it is unless someone has another opinion.


Full Access Member
Apr 1, 2005
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Jacksonville, FL
Other trans options for the PSD include and 4k is the going price for a well built E4OD/4R100 when you include the torque converter. Trans internals alone are in the $1200 neighborhood, add another 1300 for the torque converter, $100 for the valve body rebuild pieces, Technicians labor, shop over head and a bit of profit and you're at 4k plus shipping.

Factory Tech Monster Box
Suncoast Converters add your converter to the price on this page
Racer X Automotive you'll need to call or email for the whole trans price
John Woods

The least expensive option is to do it yourself but you need time and patients and a few special tools to DIY. As you can see by my sig this is the option that I took and am pleased but I only have about 4k on my rebuild so I can't speak for the longevity of the build. But I decided that I could almost do it twice for the cost of one from a shop so that was a gamble I was willing to take and could afford to take since the truck is not my DD.


Full Access Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Thunder Bay, Ontario
When your tranny slips it shouldn't sound like the truck is bogging out. My tranny slips when i am hard under load and it just revs up and goes nowhere. And if it was doing it 2 years ago and it hasn't done it since now I don't think its your tranny. You would have been replacing it if it was that bad. Is it a hissing sound that you are hearing? Sounds more like your EBPV to me.
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Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Jackson, NJ
When your tranny slips it shouldn't sound like the truck is bogging out. My tranny slips when i am hard under load and it just revs up and goes nowhere. And if it was doing it 2 years ago and it hasn't done it since now I don't think its your tranny. You would have been replacing it if it was that bad. Is it a hissing sound that you are hearing? Sounds more like your EBPV to me.

Well the hissing sound you are talking about I am hearing now here in NJ since it has been cold (teens to 20's and 30's). I usually hear the hissing when I dont have the block heater on. The great thing about the block heater is when I get home from driving it around I plug it right in and the motor stays well over the "C" mark. However, if I just plug it in when it is dead cold the motor barely touches the "C" mark on my temp gauge.

Anyways, that bogging sound I hear happens any time of the year. It does it every time it shifts in over drive (when towing) and the RPM's drop way down, almost as if it shifts to early. I can't pinpoint the problem. Maybe its something with the turbo or waste gate. I'm not to knowledgeable about turbos. Also i wanted to let everyone know that this truck is no longer a Daily Driver. I drive it in the evenings and on the weekends because I have a company truck that I drive and take home everyday.
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Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Jackson, NJ
Other trans options for the PSD include and 4k is the going price for a well built E4OD/4R100 when you include the torque converter. Trans internals alone are in the $1200 neighborhood, add another 1300 for the torque converter, $100 for the valve body rebuild pieces, Technicians labor, shop over head and a bit of profit and you're at 4k plus shipping.

Factory Tech Monster Box
Suncoast Converters add your converter to the price on this page
Racer X Automotive you'll need to call or email for the whole trans price
John Woods

The least expensive option is to do it yourself but you need time and patients and a few special tools to DIY. As you can see by my sig this is the option that I took and am pleased but I only have about 4k on my rebuild so I can't speak for the longevity of the build. But I decided that I could almost do it twice for the cost of one from a shop so that was a gamble I was willing to take and could afford to take since the truck is not my DD.

Thanks for all the information. It just really shocks when what the stuff costs. What I will be spending to replace the trans if thats the problem is as much as how much trans cost for 6-7 second drag cars with enormous amount of power! The only problem Iam having now is that no one on here really has helped me diagnose the problem. Maybe it's because I already think it's the trans and everyone is running with it. More insight would be helpful to try to diagnose the problem. I really have no other idea what it could be.

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