SDD Super Mod/Staff
About 6 weeks ago we bought 4 hens & one rooster. Unfortunately, our rooster and one hen were killed by a stray dog last week.
We really like having them so far and haven't had to buy eggs for almost 2 months. The eggs taste so much better fresh versus buying them from the grocery store.
This last Saturday we went to trade day in Collinsville, AL (very famous trade day) and bought 4 more chickens. They are about a month away from beginning to lay their eggs.
Just wanted to share our little chicken farm with everyone.
The original three are in the first pics below and the chicken coop I built for them. They are a mix breed. Could have some Blue Leghorn in them maybe.
Mean as snake sometimes. Pecs the other 2 alot.
The next 4 are our newest additions. I converted the old chain link dog pen to a coop. I bought a cheap dog house from Pet Depot and put in some dividers for nesting boxes.
This one is a Delaware. She is beautiful. Emerald Green tail feathers and bright yellow legs.
This one is a Buff Orphington. This one is my wifes, so she says.
The next 2 are Red Stars. Sex link Rhode Island Reds. The are supposed to be egg laying machines.
We really like having them so far and haven't had to buy eggs for almost 2 months. The eggs taste so much better fresh versus buying them from the grocery store.
This last Saturday we went to trade day in Collinsville, AL (very famous trade day) and bought 4 more chickens. They are about a month away from beginning to lay their eggs.
Just wanted to share our little chicken farm with everyone.
The original three are in the first pics below and the chicken coop I built for them. They are a mix breed. Could have some Blue Leghorn in them maybe.

Mean as snake sometimes. Pecs the other 2 alot.

The next 4 are our newest additions. I converted the old chain link dog pen to a coop. I bought a cheap dog house from Pet Depot and put in some dividers for nesting boxes.

This one is a Delaware. She is beautiful. Emerald Green tail feathers and bright yellow legs.

This one is a Buff Orphington. This one is my wifes, so she says.

The next 2 are Red Stars. Sex link Rhode Island Reds. The are supposed to be egg laying machines.