Dually02 said:
I don't know if this is the place to post this. But I can't find a spicific forum. But I would like to speek my mind!!! I have bought product from "Black Cloud Diesel" (Gary). I came across another website called "Black Cloud Diesel Performance" I had to call Gary at Black Cloud Diesel about my Trans. temp. gauge. I then asked Him if he started another website called Black Cloud Diesel Performance. He said no. He also said that the guy that did start the new company had worked for him. I think that's extremely low . Gary taught this guy about the business, an for his thanks he's trying to steal his business name. Almost the same and selling the same products. Would you like his pants too. I wish I could say what I feel, but I'm keeping it clean hear. P.S. Gary is a great person to deal with. Very helpfull, and willing to do what it takes to please the costumer. I will never buy from Black Cloud Diesel Performance.
Since you feel like copy and pasting your new threads from board to board, I'll copy my reply from another forum as well.
According to Wisconsin state law and federal legislation, there is no problem with me using the name Black Cloud Diesel Performance. When I registered for my DBA, the state told me that I could use the name as it is "Not deceptively similar".
Gary did not teach me about the business. Gary put up the money for the start up and told me to run it. That meant design the website, advertise, deal with all the customers and be on call 24/7.
I also did NOT, repeat, DID NOT steal his business name. Gary himself told me he wanted me to stick around until he could pay up his vendors and SHUT THE SITE DOWN. Enough said.
Selling the same product? Have you not looked at all the diesel performance sites? We almost all sell the same products.
But just to put your mind at ease, I will tell you this....I am changing the name of my company. Not because I feel using that name is wrong, and NOT because of a threat of legal action. We are changing the name because a current employee of your beloved Gary is running amuck hiding behind the Black Cloud Diesel name. We have not been defaming or slandering their company.
They, however, can not in good conscience say the same.