If it's "Crummy cold" then it's really cold!!!!
It ain't Crummy cold here anymore. We just came out of a 3 week -40 cold snap and it feels good

Few headlines from last few weeks said:Tuesday(6th) was the coldest day of the current cold wave with a high temperature of 41 below at Fairbanks International Airport and a low of 47 below. It was the second straight day that the temperature at the airport failed to climb above 40 below.
Wednesday(7th) marked the 12th day in a row of the current cold wave in Fairbanks, but the low temperature on only nine of those days has hit 40 degrees below zero or colder.
The temperature in North Pole dipped to 55 degrees below zero on Wednesday night, the lowest temperature recorded in the greater Fairbanks area during what has been six days of severe cold
Residents should expect “super cold” temperatures this weekend, with lows around 50 below or colder.
And Now --------
Time to get out my tee-shirts as this is tee-shirt weatherFairbanksans cheered the end of one of the longest cold snaps to hit Alaska’s second-largest city in decades on Monday. The high temperature at Fairbanks International Airport as of 5:30 p.m. was 0 degrees and still climbing.
Ice fog is gone and I still have 5 ton's of pellets although we did have to turn up the stove a notch for a couple of weeks.