Lax security is always unacceptable. This guy should not have had the information at home - and should lose his job for it.
In addition to the unauthorized removal of property, he places hundreds of thousands of vets at financial risk.
During my service career (I retired from the Coast Guard in the mid 90's), our SSN was also and technically still is our service number. For most of my career my SSN was printed on everything. No one thought of this as a problem then. This at least has changed.
Recently to major banking firms have done the same thing. Wells Fargo Bank has now exposed many thousands of home owners by allowing a computer to be stolen with mortgage information. Bank of America did the same with pin numbers and debit cards.
As a Police Officer, I know just how cunning and resourcefully identity thieves are and know personally, just how expensive and inconvenient it is to have your identity stolen. It takes years and countless hours of work by the person who's identity has been stolen to put things right. When confronting the Credit Reporting Bureaus - their attitude is that it's your fault.
This failure to keep personal information out of the hands of thieves a growing problem.
Shame on the VA security managers for allowing this to happen.