you guys have any updates on this?
MYT engine
MYT engine
What Ford and Big Oil did to the Moody Brothers and their 120 MPG Carb. in the 60s & 70s, comes to mind ?
Do you have any info on this that you can share with us? Reports, links, anything other than myths and conspiracy theory's would be awesome.
I was Heavy into Drag Racing in those days, and remember the debacle well tho, because "they" were Big Performance Innovator's.
I'm not.The oil companies buy up all of those ideas, so that we will always have to be a slave to their oil.
Sorry Mike, just kiddin.
Im not sure when "those days" were but I think probably every one of us here has a story that someone they knew that knew someone who took a brand new 1967 Ford Fairlane 500 with the 390 in for a minor checkup at the dealer, when this guy took the car in it ran like a champ, could do the 1/4 mile is 13 seconds and got 78 mpg on average, he picks it up from the dealer and it runs like a pig and gets 11 mpg now. He goes back and complains to the service dept and low and behold this thing had some sort of experimental carburetor on it that wasnt supposed to be released to the public.
All that aside all I can do is call BS to the fact that the internal combustion engine in an automobile (lets just say the standard V-8 for ease of discussion) has ever or will ever get 100+ mpg. The V-8 is not that technically difficult of a machine. I would think that if such a huge increase in efficiency were attainable that we would have done it by now or some one would have figured it out and lived to tell about it.
One other note of interest is that just last week Lawmakers Set Deal on Raising Fuel Efficiency, the first such mandate in over 20 years....
Oh, and heres some good reading too...... -----> 200? 300? 400 miles per gallon?