Well, at Dworshak, it RAINED. And I mean, RAINED HARD, all weekend long. I got soaked trough to the under wear fly fishing on Elk Creek. Tyring to tie on a new fly, my hands were shaking so hard I had to ask my buddy for help.
We got wet. The lake came up two feet over the weekend. Doesn't sound like much? It is an 80 mile long, 3/4 mile wide, 600 foot deep lake. Coming up two feet is a LOT of water.
The worst part about it is that a family went out boating, and in an attempt to stay dry, the guy put the MOORING COVER on the boat (which covers over and seals the area over the engine, too, for those of you that don't know.) making the passenger cabin vulnerable to exhaust leaks. They all died of carbon monoxide poisoning while the boat was underway. It crashed into the shoreline and sank in about 3 feet of water. A father, a mother, and their two children, one of whom would have turned 12 today if he'd survived. Horribly sad, tragic, senseless, and while you have to be annoyed with the guy for using the mooring cover for use on the lake, it wasn't a big enough mistake for him to deserve his and his entire families death. I was stricken by the senseless tradgedy of it all, and resolved to never be stupid, or careless, or thoughtless, when it comes to fresh air and CO again. I moved the generator a couple more feet away from the camper that night, and made sure to crack a vent or two.