Any Full-Time RVer's Here?


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2005
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What sort of advantages? Income taxes?

I know that in MI as well as many other states, military pensions and other federal pensions are not taxed by the state. There was big court case about 20 years ago where a federal (military?) retiree sued Michigan. Apparently, state retirees didn't have to pay state income tax on their pension income. This person charged that federal pensioners who were charged income tax were being discriminated against. Long story short, the Supreme Court aggreed with him. Additionally the person sued for back taxes that were collected illegally. Again it went all the way to the Supreme Court, which said any state which collected income tax illegally had to refund that money. Most states said they couldn't afford a 100% refund and settled for variing amounts of cents on the $$.

The decisions had wide reaching affects. Any state who had a tax exempt policy for state pensioners, now had to include federal pensioner in that tax exempt policy, or revoke the state pensioners tax free status. There weren't any states that were willing to face that political/legal firestorm.

assuming your retired i suspect you wont have an INCOME <at least from
working> but yeah INCOME taxes, PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES...

when i lived in virginia the 1st year personal property taxes (above
and beyond the sales tax) on our new 2004 truck would have been
over 1900 dollars...its based on the blue book "value" of the
car/truck/camper/trailer etc and you pay it EVERY YEAR ON EVERY
THING W/ WHEELS...and "property" tax doesnt include your tags each year.

some states tax your retirement <with drawls> california was trying at
one time (dont know if they succeeded) to tax retirement income that
you earned/saved <while you worked/lived in california>...EVEN if you
moved out of state !

texas has a higher sales tax (7.25% or higher) but its only on non-necessaries
(ie taxed on beer but not MILK/BREAD)....i always say i can control what
i spend my money on (in an effort to TRY and regulate my tax bleed).

texas has NO personal property tax (except on houses)...and texas is
one of the few states that has a HOMESTEADING LAW

btw ALOT of full - timers claim Texas residence...and many RV parks
are set up to accommodate...providing you w/ a year round address and
forwarding your postal mail (after it arrives at your "texas" address) to you,
if you like....legally youre expected to live in the state at least 6mo of the
year...but i SUSPECT thats hard to prove/track if youre a full RV'r
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