Never wanted to shoot skip with a CB. I don't even own a CB rig anymore. But I have a radio in the truck that will allow me to talk to Europe and Asia when conditions are right.
It's an amateur radio. I have one at the house, too, along with several antennas strung in the trees. Once I get organized again after my hospital stay (it kicked my arse big time) I might be back on the air for this year's ARRL Field Day, where amateurs try to make contacts with as many other amateurs in as many different places as possible, using code, voice, RTTY, and other digital modes. Great fun.
The Morse Code requirement has been dropped. With a bit of study you could get the General class license and have high frequency privileges. Study a bit more electronics, get the Extra class, and you can talk on any band open to the amateur service.
If you insist on "shooting skip", please stay off the 10 meter amateur bands. Those of us with licenses will appreciate it, and you will save yourself a fine when you are caught.