certified nutjob
ok well i was over on the dark side doing some reading and found that a few guys have been haveing the upper injector orings fail.wouldnt that show up during the CCT?
tonight it was skipping hard,real hard so i immediately ran a CCT,it said system pass.it was skipping so bad you could hear and see the truck rock.
this thing has got to have an injector issue.1 minute it runs great,the next it runs like crap.if it was a motor issue it would run like crap all the time.the other night it was running sweet!!i layed down a minimum of 200 feet of locked dually rubber
(gotta snap a picture when i get a chance).a few hours later it ran like crap.on the highway at 75MPH,2000 rpm it surges like crazy sometimes.other times like the other night it will run well over 100MPH with no issues(yes i smoked a ricer till he hit the happy button
i have been beating the ever living snot out of it the last 2 weeks hopeing that the issue would finally show up and stay permantly so i can fix it.gonna call bean monday to see what he thinks and order some fuel filters or find out where to get them unless he happens to see and respond to this

tonight it was skipping hard,real hard so i immediately ran a CCT,it said system pass.it was skipping so bad you could hear and see the truck rock.
this thing has got to have an injector issue.1 minute it runs great,the next it runs like crap.if it was a motor issue it would run like crap all the time.the other night it was running sweet!!i layed down a minimum of 200 feet of locked dually rubber

i have been beating the ever living snot out of it the last 2 weeks hopeing that the issue would finally show up and stay permantly so i can fix it.gonna call bean monday to see what he thinks and order some fuel filters or find out where to get them unless he happens to see and respond to this