certified nutjob
lukecline said:have you pulled the chip and ran w/o it?
yup tried a non chipped TDE1 PCM with no change
lukecline said:have you pulled the chip and ran w/o it?
93turbo_animal said:hey Rich is their any chance that somethings wrong with your scanner the reason its so sporadic and not letting you find your real problem Just a thought
94f450sd said:well a little update.
i tried a known good IDM out of a friends truck yesterday,no change.checked the codes later in the afternoon and it had a code for intermittent CPS.cps is only about 6 months old alhough that dont rule it out as bad.cleared the codes and it hasnt come back yet.
oh and i had 2 toys for my nephews on my dash.they were those life like animals you get at wally world for 2 bux each.they are rubbery and stretchy.well you can see the skip in the tail of the lizard one and in the fins of the shark.when i take off from a stop you can see them shake.
well hell then its running just fine and you been crying about nothin all this time cause from what you have described our trucks run nothing alike mine idles fine drives fine and pulls ok no missing smoking or lurching so nothing alike the only thing mine does is if you rev it up with no load on the motor it it hickups then clears up as for the price of the scanner that has nothin to do with it everything can malfunction and it was just a thought since it sounded like you had checked about everything on the truck94f450sd said:i highly doubt it since the scanner itself was 4,000.00 and gets updated twice a year at 500.00 each.there is something definately wrong with the truck.it is doing the same thing that yours has been doing that yall over on oilburners believed to be normal.