If you just wanted ham listings I can surely hook you up there
ARRL Affliated Club Search Database which most clubs will list their repeater frequencies.
Don't worry about being a newcomer in Amateur Radio as we all have been there when getting into the hobby,most clubs will have Elmers(Mentors) that can be of great help in getting started.
What Oboy,Arlie,Tbar,myself and others have done is once you have your license callsign issued just transmit up on a local repeater with your callsign and most of the time another amateur will answer back,give em your call name and location and you're pretty much in as it takes no time to get in the groove of things.
If you'd like I can contact a club in your area to get you more info if you'd like as it would be no prob to assist
The Icom,Kenwood and Yaesu brand are household names in the hobby so you'll have many options in what make/model radio/s you're interested in but the Icom 2720 is indeed a sweet rig to start with
I can still email you some up to date frequency lists for State PD's in MD and VA if you'd like.
I'm familiar with the area you're in as I resided and was employed in Rockville/Wheaton during 90-91.