It sounds like you have an ambulance with dual alternators. No need for dual alternators, so go with the 200 amp alternator. 200 amps is a LOT of current!
Thank you for your knowledge and advise, I am just replacing what is currently installed,I was just trying to keep it all Ford but reading all responses it look like it will have to be aftermarket.
My 200amp alternator started on fire so that the reason to change both at the same time. Current mileage is 235k,so I think the 120 amp alternator is not far behind.
I ordered the truck with dual alternators the sales guy asked if I wanted dual alternators I asked how much he sai $125.00 I said I will take it.
It functioned as I thought it would as the 200 amp alternator started on fire I put the fire out and the 120 amp alternator is keeping the battery's charged and the truck runs just fine,so I want that same back up in place as we drive to Levering Michigan with the boat I don't worry about that aspect of being with out.
Thanks again fellas happy motoring
Regards Dale