Binford 6100 Owner
I don't know about stock rear wheel dyno numbers either but if your getting 620 ft lbs. at the rear wheels thats more than the advertised toque at the flywheel. Isn't the flywheel toque only about 570 or 590?

I don't know what the stock dyno numbers are. With the MBRP turboback duals less the cat, and an AFE stage 2 intake my 04 dynoed 304HP/621TQ. Keith
On the MBRP turbo back systems, do these bolt right up to the turbo?
I've been out there looking under my truck and that looks like a real pain in the but to take off the old and install the new, can anybody shed some light on this?
Just wondering what kinda Dyno you were on, you are about 50 horse and 100lb ft higer than any stock 6.0 I've seen on the Dyno. By stock I"m refferring to the fact you don't have a chip or tuner, not the exhaust and AFE intake. My buddy dynoed his 05 F350 last week, totally stock, and only got 254 hp and 517 tq. Like Fandini said, the 6.0 is only rated at 570 tq at the flywheel. and 325 hp![]()