Go into any tire shop and tell them you want 4 MATCHING tires for the rear of a dually. From the same lot and the same mold. A Cooper dealer was the only guy who had a clue what I was talking about. Its getting bad out there.
It took Walmart 6 hours to change 6 tires on the dually, I watched them the whole time, they almost put an impact on the simulators, then right before they went to install the new tires on the truck I asked them what PSI did they put in and there response was "34psi, like every other tire", WRONG AGAIN NANCY.. Needless to say I got $300 dollars knocked off and I will never have to touch my tires again, Road side assistance, life time balace, rotation, replacement, flat repair, and a 60k mile warrenty thrown in and I can take it to a trucking company for anything and Walmart will pick up the tab, and that also include road side.. There were other issues also, but I wont bore you with those
Thanks WD40! We had a great trip to the Ouachita State Park. They had a new area with full hookups, it was very nice. We had a nice uneventful tow, got around 9mpg. We stopped and got on some CAT scales also. GCVW=16,000# and some change. About what I had guessed. Don't tell the TDS gang, but I was over my GVWR by a little. We had around 4100 front and 4800+ rear. I'm starting to get used to this towing thing.