When SDD first started, I was invited here by one of the Founders (I think). I have enjoyed Every minute on this Site. Learned a lot and I hope I have been able to pass some of my Diesel engine/Ford knowledge on, to the Members and Viewers, alike.
However, recently, a post by me was [Perceived to be] an Inappropriate one. It was meant to be pointedly.. Humorous, but I guess too pointed, to some. I personally think that if it was inappropriate ? I should have received a PM or an Email, from a Administrator or Moderator, or.. my Post should have been Deleted by one of the SDD staff.
Having said this ? Let me clarify some things about me.. As there was No.. "New Member Introductions" when I registered:
I'm a 63 year old dude. Flag Waving Veteran. Retired Twice, 20 years military (SeeBees), 22 years Fed Service (Aviation/Ground Fuels), with 50+ years of wrenching on things. I've wrenched on 267 (wife has kept track) 7.3s as a hobby/walk'n money pastime. Never had a "Bring Back" (sep for more Mods). I BS no one. Strait Shooter.
I'm a one fingered typer.. Compose as I type, 75% Puter Challenged and not very articulate in Word Smith'n.
I have a BIG, BIG Soft Spot for the Lurker.. The guys & gals that are hesitant to jump in here with what they perceive to be.. Stupid questions or Inappropriate responses.
So PLEASE.. If I engage in a Thread or Post ? From here forward ? DONT take offence to Any of my "DUH", or , perceived to be.. Sharp, Terse responses. I Do Not intentionally mean, ANY, Harm Nor Foul. Never have.
I'm Hunt'n & Peck'n and Do'n the Best I Can, and will try'n be a Soft'r & Gentle'r SDD Post'r Guy.
Big Joe