Just like anything you have to consider the source....
i.e. how it was intended when they used Xmas...
for some it is simply the lazy mans way,
for others it is the way to take Christ out of Christmas,
and honestly I had never heard of it standing for the Cross
but given the propensity of the PC crowd and the diversity crowd to comdemn ANYTHING related to religion or anything of the anglo white man's heritage......
some are getting tired of turning the other cheek
Can you imagine the uproar if there was a :
Miss White America pageant?
or a channel like WET to be as diverse as BET ?
and notice how diversity discussions NEVER address anything about anglo americans ?
do pay attention to the BIG companies internal employee groups...
and their commercials ---
see who is always presented as the "strong" or "smart" or "leader" type in them nowdays !!!!
Dang - Dang - Dang !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night....
see what you made me do