You lawyers and insurance guys out there, I just gave my statement to the other guy’s insurance company as to what happened. After the statement, he seemed to admit his client’s responsibility, and said that we would be reimbursed for medical bills, rental, repairs, etc.
Then, he said something that has me a little curious. He said he was thinking that they would give money to me, personally, for what he called “pain and inconvenience.” I’ve never heard of anything like this (outside of a lawsuit), and I’m thinking this may be tied to a ploy of some sort to get me to sign away rights to future claims if they give me a couple hundred bucks.
I don’t know much about personal injury and auto insurance, my knowledge of insurance revolves mainly around construction, so I guess I’m looking for personal knowledge and experience here. Is this what they are going to do, offer me some money to sign away my rights to future medical claims, or is this an honest to goodness attempt to make things right for the inconvenience and pain I’ve been through for the past couple days?
It just seems odd to me, and I’m hoping one of you can help me out. I’m not planning on suing, but I’ve been told that it can take months for injuries to surface after an accident, and don’t want to sign away my right to have them pay for any trips to the hospital that me or my wife may need later on.