A "fun" weekend...

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I was headed out for a fun weekend with my Dad and wife on Saturday morning. After a fantastic breakfast at GW Hunters in Post Falls, Idaho (I highly recommend, BTW), we headed South on Highway 95 for Moscow and Lewiston. The planned agenda was to visit my Great Uncle down in Colton (he’s been feeling pretty rotten recently) and then head on down to one of my projects in Lewiston and show Dad and the wife what I do for a living.

Dad was tired from not having slept well the night before, so I drove. His truck was (yes, WAS) a 2005 Chevy Silverado 4x4 ex cab short box with about 15,000 miles on it.

4 miles North of Moscow, Idaho, the car two in front of me slammed on his brakes to make a last minute left turn onto a side road. I slammed on my brakes, and came to a stop, 4th in line. As I was braking, I was watching my rear view, and all I could see was a big, white cattle guard on the front of a mid-80’s F-150 coming up WAY to fast to stop.

I told my family that we were going to get hit, and let off the brake and turned the wheels left, because I was going to hit the gas and make the turn onto the side road to get out of the way. I had to hesitate for a split second to make sure there was no oncoming traffic, and it was long enough so that as soon as I hit the throttle, we got hit. We got hit HARD. I rolled onto the side road (somehow, managed to not get pushed forward into the car in front of me, who conveniently left the scene), and got out to make sure everybody was okay.

Dad has been under a lot of strain lately, for a bunch of different factors, and he lost it. I had an aid car come to take his vitals. His blood pressure was sky high. We took it again 5 minutes later, and it had stabilized and returned to normal, but he sure gave me a scare for a minute.

Anyway, turns out that the truck behind the guy who hit us hit HIM, also, so he got sandwiched.

No one was seriously hurt, but Dad went in to emergency last night because his back hurt so bad. My wife seems none the worse for wear. I hurt like I got run over in a stampede of elephants. My back keeps going into spasm. I think I’ll go in this morning and see if they can give me some happy pills.

Dad’s truck is a total loss. The entire rear frame is bent under, so the trailer hitch is pointing straight down. The bed went forward, mashed the cab, which is tweaked out of square. The rear axle is not sitting square under the truck.

We had it towed to my cousins place in Colton, and are waiting for an adjuster to see what the story is. I’m scared out of my mind driving now. The trip in this morning was a little nerve shattering, but I’ll get over it.

Anyway, fun weekend…


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
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Wood County Tx
damn Hoss, fathers day is to be relaxing.
give your dad our best. glad no one is seriously hurt, bent the frame on the chevy, geuss you can talk him into a psd.

i got hit once from behind, our seats need to higher for neck support

get well, we cant pick on injured folks :D

ranger boy

Banned User
May 1, 2005
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Glad no one is hurt...I hate those people who keep their foot on the gas until they HAVE to stop. For example, when people see a red light and still have their foot on the gas like it's going to get them there any faster.

Anyways, good luck with everything else, maybe now you can talk some PSD into him :sly

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Update. At 1:30 AM this morning, Dad woke up in excruciating pain in his abdomen. An ambulance came, took him to the emergency room. They were worried about internal bleeding.

Turns out he was having an allergic reaction (or some sort of reaction) to the drugs they gave him for the back pain. The saga continues...

As far as convincing him to get a PSD, that may be a battle i don't want to start. He has had more or less the same pickup (1/2 ton chevy pickup with the smallblock V-8) since he bought his first new pickup in 1972. Since, he bought one in 1976, 1991, and most recently, 2005. The '91 was a darn good truck. So was the '05, for the short time he had it.

Anyway, the point is, he is a 1/2 ton chevy man, always will be. Can't say i can blame him, he's got over 220K on the '91 with flawless performance, and the '76 was a great truck, also. Got him from 1976 to 1991 with no problems.


Full Access Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Collin County, Texas
Hoss, sorry to hear about your accident, glad the inuries weren't any worse. Hope your dad is okay. He seems to be pretty stubborn about his Chevy's, but as long as he's had good luck with them, that's what counts. My grandfather started with a Model T in 1923, then drove Chevys from the late 40's until he died at 86 in 1973. He mostly had Fords from the T until a 1937 60 hp V8 Pickup. I think he had a Plymouth truck (yes there used to be Plymouth trucks) during WWII, then to Chevys. My dad always drove Fords.


Mar 28, 2005
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Cora, Wy
Bummer Hoss, I hope your dad has a full and speedy recovery. And yes, those SB Chevy's are hard to beat. Tell'm to get another one. Better yet, since you were driving, play hardball with the ins. and have the identical truck delivered to his house.

Hoss 350

My GSP, Dutch
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
95_stroker said:
Bummer Hoss, I hope your dad has a full and speedy recovery. And yes, those SB Chevy's are hard to beat. Tell'm to get another one. Better yet, since you were driving, play hardball with the ins. and have the identical truck delivered to his house.
I already found one, different color (his was white, this one is CHAMPAGNE, whatever the heck color that is...).

I'm waiting to see what the company comes up with as far as totaled, repairable, etc. I called the guy Dad bought the truck from, and got the value of the truck. He said he had an identical rig sitting on the lot that has ZERO miles on it, and he could sell it to us for the value of the old truck, so we might be able to come out of this ahead. I'm planning on getting what we're owed, have no doubts...


living well in Texas
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Wood County Tx
Hoss 350 said:
I already found one, different color (his was white, this one is CHAMPAGNE, whatever the heck color that is...).


its a light airzona biege color, actually looks nice on some trucks and caddies

sounds like you guys are set good

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