Hello all - new to forum and new to Ford.
I recently bought a 99 F250 and am slowly getting myself familiarized to the new truck being a 20 year chevy guy.
The problem is the truck dog tracks very badly and in checking u-bolts and the basics I found the spring perches that are welded to the axles are not even at all. One angles rearward and one angles frontward like maybe the axle housing twisted in the center section. Is this even possible? Even the shock mounts are un-even as well as the outer 4 bolt flange where the calipers mount. The pinion points up at more of an angle than the driveshaft also! Should I just grind the perches off and weld them in the correct spot or do I have something majorly wrong????
I recently bought a 99 F250 and am slowly getting myself familiarized to the new truck being a 20 year chevy guy.
The problem is the truck dog tracks very badly and in checking u-bolts and the basics I found the spring perches that are welded to the axles are not even at all. One angles rearward and one angles frontward like maybe the axle housing twisted in the center section. Is this even possible? Even the shock mounts are un-even as well as the outer 4 bolt flange where the calipers mount. The pinion points up at more of an angle than the driveshaft also! Should I just grind the perches off and weld them in the correct spot or do I have something majorly wrong????