my friend is stuck on a highway and ran out of diesel in his 97 f250, he cant get it started and cant bleed the air out, whats the proper way to bleed her out so they can get moving???/
when mine ran out,i put 5 gallons in the smaller tank,rear i think,then i filled the bowl up.then i cranked it til it started,which almost killed my batts,it would be a good idea to bring cables or a charger.make sure you give the strter a chance to cool down,dont crank for more then 10-15 seconds i would say.goodluck
ya, it will start just before the batteries are dead. no special procedure other than crank the crap out of it. give the starter a cool down rest every 10 seconds like 97 said.
thanks for the replys guys, he ended up getting it AAA out of there and home, we were able to get it when he got home, he didnt want to mess with it too much on the highway, had his kids and all..wanted to get them home safe first. Thanks again!