6.0 intercooler and a upgraded CPS


SDD Junior Member
Jan 3, 2006
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Blue CPS

I've been running the DT CPS in my Ex for a bit over 2 months now. It made a very noticeable improvement in how it runs... quieter, smoother, better low end power and better mileage. The question for me has always been "why?". Lots of stinking theories but very few hard facts. I've had my theories as well. My favorite is that it is a more precise sensor which allows the timing to be more consistent from one cylinder to another. Today something new came up.

I'm chatting with an International tech on another site. He says that an issue he has seen repeatedly with the TE444 is the CPS airgap is too large. The gap is supposed to be .025 - .030. He has seen it as large as .050 and at that gap it can cause the engine to cut out intermittently. He sands off part of the housing to bring the clearance into spec.

SO, I'm thinking, DT sensor = stronger magnet = stronger hall effect = can handle larger airgap. Could it be that simple? Anyone have a depth gauge handy?



Full Access Member
Apr 6, 2005
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otterdiver said:
I've been running the DT CPS in my Ex for a bit over 2 months now. It made a very noticeable improvement in how it runs... quieter, smoother, better low end power and better mileage. The question for me has always been "why?". Lots of stinking theories but very few hard facts. I've had my theories as well. My favorite is that it is a more precise sensor which allows the timing to be more consistent from one cylinder to another. Today something new came up.

I'm chatting with an International tech on another site. He says that an issue he has seen repeatedly with the TE444 is the CPS airgap is too large. The gap is supposed to be .025 - .030. He has seen it as large as .050 and at that gap it can cause the engine to cut out intermittently. He sands off part of the housing to bring the clearance into spec.

SO, I'm thinking, DT sensor = stronger magnet = stronger hall effect = can handle larger airgap. Could it be that simple? Anyone have a depth gauge handy?


I TOTALY agree Eric. Mine cut out just once, just a Nano-second skip, just before this DT466 CPS thing came along. I figured it was time to R&R the CPS (98K). I sure am happy Dave Meheen (at DPP) passed the 466 CPS option along.

As I said on the "Other Site": I think this DT466 CPS is nothing more than a "HEAVY DUTY" CPS. Stronger Magnetic Strength bridges an inconsistant air gap with a stonger, more consistant signal. the PCM sends that consistant data to the required components..... The result is: A quieter,stronger running TE444.

If it >Changes< anything? it probably >Changes< things to what they >Consistanly< should be. (should have ALWAYS been, maybe?)

Just my KISS principle thinking on it. Some good testing data, will also be a good thing.


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