SDD Senior Member
Working glow plugs are a MUST. My truck will start below freezing on the glow plugs only. I have needed the block heater only once in 30 some years of owning diesel trucks.
Thanks everyone... I don't want to make a big deeal of it, but it would be fu to use it now that I found it. I'm pretty sure it has never ever been used before. I'll try to find a step down transformer somewhere. I do have a little trouble starting when it is freezing, but maybe a new set of glow plugs would help.
**And Joe, we don't have US Ford dealers over here. Only puny Europe Ford dealers. Thats a completely different branch. They would just shake their heads if I came to them with my truck!
I briefly did some research on this and someone suggested running two 120v universal freeze plug type heaters wired in series......Just a thought.
This transformer is rated for more than enough watts, and would be an awefully cheap and easy way to use your block heater. $13? How can you go wrong?