SDD Senior Member
Try running it in a truck that is years older than your NEW truck. It will clean out your tank and fuel system, leading to a clogged filter. These are not stories.
You clearly didn't notice but my "new" truck is 13 years old. It is no where near as common as reported. I know many people who run very high concentrations with no clogs. Unless you have empirical data proving your point, stop perpetuating myths.
That was the point of my statement, your truck is 13 years old and has none of the emissions that the new trucks have, as I stated, manual says no more then a 7% blend, you should be able to run french fry grease and thats my point, the new trucks can't. And I do have a few friends that have new trucks, Ford, Chevy and Dodge, although the Dodge we don't talk about alot, these guys started running B20 from a station that is local to there area, it was cheaper so they all ran it for a few months, then they all ended up in the shop because of it, glad it was out of my way. And this is a true story, my truck and theres [sic] are not set up to run B20. It is not a myth, your [sic] talking two different systems between your truck and mine.