Anybody hear any word about the '11 having the manual trans. option. All the reading leads me to believe, no. That new 6 speed auto is there baby and they add that you can go to "manual mode" if need be. I hope thats not their only manual mode! I like running the gears ya know..
No more manual trans option on any Super Duty's. It's supposedly only ordered on 1%, yes thats NOT a typo, 1% of Super Duty's that are built. Seems like a no-brainer to cancel it to me. The new 6.7 will have a new 6 spd Torqshift with a manual shift mode.
Just left the Dealer today........No more manuals.....Only way to find em on a 2010 is with an XLT package if you can find one, very few Lariats in 09 I have found 1 09 on a lot north of me going to look at in the morning would rather have the manual.
It will interesting how tough this one is, I have had pretty good luck with the torque flights in two our work trucks, drag around a mini x and skid steer and they have worked flawlessly, but I hear on having the option of a manual thats for sure.
I currently own a Ford Ranger, but I plan on updating to a super duty with the 6.8L. My ranger is an auto. The reason its and auto is because I unfortunately listened to ever one else. My father mainly "oh you don't want that ****.. shifting constantly like and ******* my first ten trucks were stick rabble rabble." The I started going to school for a Class A CDL. The trucks there are 10 speeds. That is right 10 speeds not 5 or 6. Everything is double clutch too. Driving them is the most fun I have ever had driving. I always regret getting the auto. In addition to being less efficient as far as fuel economy. I heard that the manual transmission is also more mechanically reliable and efficient. That is assuming the driver knows what he/she is doing. More importantly its more manly.