Myt 1999 F-250 Super Duty W/ 7.3 engine is having some transmission troubles. Last night my son was driving it and said it was acting "funny". He stopped at a light and when he went to take off again, it wouldn't go. He shut it off and called me. I got there about 5-10 mins later. When I started it and put it in gear, it took off. It shifted a bit hard going into second. and in a couple of mins it wouldn't;t pull itself again. I shut it off for about a minute or two, started it up and it took off again. Fluid appears blackish in color but full. Shamefully, I have not maintained the truck well recently as I am kinda sick of it and am ready to get rid of it. Finances just have not allowed that. As far as I know I have never changed the fluid and we have put probably over 100,000 miles on it.
What are the odds that this is a fluid and filter issue and if I change it, is there any thing else I should do when I am in there. Also, any tips on changing the fluid? I saw someone comment about a "flush". Is this something I should do?
Thanks much in advance for your help.
What are the odds that this is a fluid and filter issue and if I change it, is there any thing else I should do when I am in there. Also, any tips on changing the fluid? I saw someone comment about a "flush". Is this something I should do?
Thanks much in advance for your help.