SDD Junior Member
Wow! What a ton of information can be found here, great site. I am having trouble getting my new 3" downpipe installed. I got the factory pipe out but I can't get the new one on. It is a two piece design and I can't get the the top piece to go down more than about half way. I bent the one inch piece on the firewall and it still won't clear, it clears that but hits the tranny before I can get it down far enough to twist the top. I don't know what else to do but cut up my floorboad. I thought that was not needed on this install. Has anyone had this problem on their truck? My truck has the 5-speed tranny. I bought the pipe on e-bay and they said it was a MBRP but it has no stamp, sticker, or directions. I might have been fooled into an inferior pipe. Help!