SDD Super Mod/Staff
This is a print out we get each day from the fuel card
company we use.
Seems like it's getting more and more each day.
company we use.
Seems like it's getting more and more each day.
The account number seems to be missing off that invoice I need to order 1000 gallons today for the house and shop so I was thinking that I would use your account number so you could get a bigger bulk discount but the number is missing?
Watch that driver, I see he got a $25 cash advance and added a $20 bottle of go fast juice to the tank
I'm watching you Crumm
I am heading out to dip the tanks with my fingers crossed in hope that the mild winter will have reduced the consumption some.
Seems like it's getting more and more each day.
Dipped em and the shop used 85 gallons less and the house 36 gallons less than last year. Thats $400 less than I thought it would be but still need $3,350 worth
Total for the year will be:
House 1,210 gallons $4,017 total --- $335 a month
Shop 380 gallons $1,261 total --- $105 a month
Total 1,590 gallons $5282 total --- $440 a month
Quick redneck math tells me it'd be cheaper to just live in the shop