SDD Junior Member
Hey guys i have a generalized question? And for my own piece of mind. I had an 06 F-250 Lariat 6.0 with only 59000 on the clock that met her demise to a concrete divider at 65 mph and then getting t-boned to add insult to injury. I only had volant intake and an mbrp 4" inch turbo back exhaust on it which i was very happy with the power and perfomance of the truck. I got an average of 18mpg to a tank and 21 mpg at its best on the highway. Since the accident i purchased an 04 F-250 Harley 6.0 with 6900 miles. I like this truck but have been some what unhappy with the power performance and mpg with this one. I have only added an mbrp 4" inch turbo back staright pipe exhaust so far and this truck is only getting 13mpg any style of driving. I have looked up some info between the 2 trucks the 04 is a little lighter than the 06 and still the 04 gets less mpg and just doesnt feel as powerful towing or regular driving I pretty its the same gearing but not positive. So I was wondering if there were and hp or tq differences between the years that i didint know about? I cant seem to find the info to explain why i am seeing such a difference in mpg and performance if anyone can shine some light on my situation or any info would be greatly appreciated
Thanks for anything SuperDoodie
Thanks for anything SuperDoodie