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  1. G

    2001 F250 Stalled, wait startup light not working, fuse keeps blowing PCM?

    ok i think i have found the problem. I have leaky ICP sensor, so i think some fluid got past it, pooled, and shorted out the connection. Because when i unplugged the connector and cleaned it out and blew the area clean with the air compressor and then reinstalled a new fuse the truck did not...
  2. G

    2001 F250 Stalled, wait startup light not working, fuse keeps blowing PCM?

    ok after looking a little further, i am assuming that the CPS stands for the Cam Position Sensor, am i right? Thanks alot, i am thinking about pulling the cam sensor connector off, and seeing if it will still blow the fuse. Thanks! I'll keep you posted
  3. G

    2001 F250 Stalled, wait startup light not working, fuse keeps blowing PCM?

    sorry for being such a noob, whats the cps? i tried searching but only got people saying theirs was bad and not what it does. Thanks so much!
  4. G

    2001 F250 Stalled, wait startup light not working, fuse keeps blowing PCM?

    I was driving to work today on the highway in my 2001 f250 7.3 with an auto, when all of a sudden my truck just stalled out, almost as if someone has turned off the key. I coasted it off the road and had it towed home. Now when i put the key in the "wait to start" light does not come on. If i...

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