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  1. dzltech1

    Latest Recall

    have your egr valve and turbo checked,sounds like they maybe coked up with soot.:thumbs
  2. dzltech1

    Engine light on

    yes if they replaced the alt then check your glowplug module on the right valve cover,if there is a glowplug problem on the 04 and up,it will throw the check engine light,make sure both plugs are plugged in
  3. dzltech1

    Dont' know but?

    I spoke with my FSE,and there is no training on this motor and none in the near future,they will throw us techs at it like the 6.0 and then give us a class. Now there have been classes on the 4.5-which I have taken,but none for the 6.4 yet.I wish there were.
  4. dzltech1

    2007 Ford will eliminate a $100 deductible

    I will have to check again,but I read it from a warranty notice from the Ford mothership,but i will check again,if I am wrong then I apologize beforehand
  5. dzltech1

    A little information about 2007 Particulate Filters!!!

    actually there be a post power stroke injection that will "cold soak" the engine and when it reacts with the catalist filter it will create heat(extremely high) and burn off the soot.when the sensors detect a clog that can not be burned off the filters will have to be taken out and have the ash...
  6. dzltech1

    2007 Ford will eliminate a $100 deductible

    there will still be a $100 deductible,but the are upping the Powertrain warranty to 60,000 miles and the engine is still 100,000 miles,so after 60k you cough up the deductible

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