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  1. A

    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    Thank God and Thank yall. :clap: DaveBen, Big Joe Thanks! Got her running!! :hail I added 5 gals of diesel and charged the batts. I believe the tank was too low to prime even though I was showing 1/8 tank or so without the fuel light on??? Who knows thanks Gentlemen. I am happy the tank is...
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    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    Thanks Yall I just want to say thanks for the help. I feel like Im looking down the barrel of a gun and cant't move. :eek: With the Hurricane a few hours away now. The rain will start in a few hours and the outside work will be over. I was supposed to be on the coast today helping my dad get...
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    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    Thanks I will. I just took off the secondary filter and it was filthy. My batts are low now and I have them on charge. Is there a particular batt that I should charge first? Im not sure the set up with two batts. If I charge one am I chargeing both at the same time? Thanks John
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    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    ok I noticed a different sound when I turn the key on now. After the glow plug?? light goes out the fule pump runs and then a another sound like air in a hyd line the pump still runs and finally goes out.?? Any ideas on that? I will definitely keep trying that. Thanks John
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    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    Ok I will do that? Should there be fuel in the primary filter bowl when I take the element out? When I went back to double check that the filter element was seated properly it was pretty dry? Any way to pour fuel into the system from the primary filter bowl? Thanks :sorry so diesel dumb
  6. A

    Help!! Ford EX 2004 6.0 Dumb Mech Alert

    Please Help. I changed my primary fuel filter (at the engine) and drained the hcfm (water seperator at the frame rail under driver seat) Lots of gunk came out. maybe a tablespoon in a half pint. Primed the pump with ign. four or five times. Truck started but ran rough now wont run at all. Please...
  7. A

    Hi from Hurricane Alley" N.C. New diesel owner!!

    Hello all I have a 2004 Excursion 6.0 took forever to find but finally found it in GA. Just lovin it. John

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