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  1. Diezel Dawg

    turbo surge

    If u have the money, go for an aftermarket drop-in BB turbo, GTP38R or TN BB. very worthwhile investments
  2. Diezel Dawg

    Cold Weather Grill Cover

    I used the Alaska Tent and Tarp and they make them for every body style. They are a good product and i would go with them. They also have a bug screen u can use in the summer. Being i was there for 6 years i loved the bug screen, saved alot on the bug clogging the intercooler and such...
  3. Diezel Dawg


    i just suggested not wasyting the money on a housing and going with a turbo because i have a budyd of mine that did that and liked it, then drove mine with a BB turbo and now is trying to budget for a turbo. He wishes he would have went that direction.
  4. Diezel Dawg


    just buy a BB turbo and not waste the money on a wheel and housing. u will be glad u went that way with the drop in. Just save the money and look into TN and Garrett for the BB turbos
  5. Diezel Dawg

    rear main seal?

    check the valley on top of the engine. if you have oil there, it isnt your rear main, rear main leaks are very rare with these engines. Usually turbo pedestal orings or something liek that up there
  6. Diezel Dawg

    Water pump help

    the gasket on the thermostat is an oring, and u might want to change out the thermostat housing too, those are a one time use. Get a billet housing from on line, they are much better designed
  7. Diezel Dawg

    New from Cheyenne Wyoming

    Welcome Rob, i just left Cheyenne. can say i am glad to be outta there, i went back home to the Pacific Northwest. But i did meet some good people there. Lots of good folks on this site with alot of information.
  8. Diezel Dawg

    Not new, but FINALLY introducing myself

    Well, i dont hang at the TDS, Im sure Bama knows where i hang out more.
  9. Diezel Dawg

    Brake Job

    Hoss, I wouldnt even waste the time and money in turning the rotors. If they are warped now, and u turn them, they will warp very soon once again. Just buy some good aftermarket rotors and pads. And dont forget, and i mean dont forget to lube the slide pins good. Very easy job
  10. Diezel Dawg

    Not new, but FINALLY introducing myself

    I have been a member for awhile now, dont come to this site much, i spend alot of time on another site, but im glad to see another site with alot of friendly people. Anyway, I own a 99.5 Ford F250 PSD. I Love the truck as much today as i did the day i bought it. I have been a diesel nut for...
  11. Diezel Dawg

    Near Seattle looking for tires

    If u knw someone who works at Walmart Lube, you might be able to get a deal. I knew someone who worked at the one in Cheyenne and they hada set of GoodYear Wrangler MT/Rs that were on clearance. The guy who ordered them, never came and got them, so they sat there for 6 months. My buddy asked...
  12. Diezel Dawg

    New to Powerstroke, need help

    Get a DP-tuner chip from Jody Tipton. Lose that programmer and go with a chip, u wont be disappointed
  13. Diezel Dawg

    What do you all recommend?

    Wet Okole is a good seat cover.
  14. Diezel Dawg

    Door Locks Stoped Working Help!!!

    If your door ajar light is on, try lubricating all of your door latches with WD40, this is a common problem on the Ford Super Duty's. Lube the latches and open and close the doors several times and loosen the latch up. It is usually the quickest and easiest fix. Good luck. If your locks...
  15. Diezel Dawg

    Roll Call!!!

    Currently Cheyenne, Wyoming, will be Spokane Washington in Sept 08 and previously Helena Montana area and before that was born and raised in Kellogg Idaho.
  16. Diezel Dawg

    6.0 intercooler and a upgraded CPS

    What is the cost of the 6.0L Intercooler?? im in the market for an aftermarket intercooler????
  17. Diezel Dawg

    Surging idle and rough running

    Well, we have a couple 6.0s at work that are our problem children. They both surge at idle and are really rough running with what seems to be a little of a loss of power. We have changed the fuel filters, air filter(which by the way is a pain the a$$) and we also drained the fuel tank and...

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