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    turbo ?

    Get the turbo-master controller from Dieselsite. Take the computer out of the equation! I would stick with the stock wheel with the ATS housing, more boost... more efficient. I had both on mine, did the WW first to try and fix the surge, didn't work... Added the ATS... It was LOUD...

    a couple of problems

    Make sure you get the newer cup "holders" not the older cup "throwers"... I cant place when the change happened...:sorry

    a couple of problems

    rear speed sensor, on top of the rear pumpkin... remove and clean, if that doesnt work then replace....


    Just get the ATS housing and forgo the WW, You will be happier... The WW will acualy build less boost and is a waste of $$$ if you have the ATS housing...

    Looking at an 01 7.3L PSD...what to look for?

    Relax on th CPS's... If you feel nessasary get one and keep it around... But in over 700,000 miles in three differant PSD's I have lost 1 cps...

    Torque Converter Question

    Single I beleve... But its not the amount, its the construction of them that causes the falure rate... They are just built Cheap...

    New exhaust sys

    If you want to get rid of the oil, you need to reroute the CCV out of the intake. As far as the Exhaust goes, just hose the clamp on the down pipe with PEN lube the night before and your good to go, about an hour install for a first timer

    Torque Converter Question

    Go find that guys dealer and buy him some more WEED, because that guy is HIGH.... Look for a PI TC Precision Industry's... Or the new ATS 5 Star TC

    Looking at an 01 7.3L PSD...what to look for?

    You will be fine with a 9k trailer. Mileage should be in the 16-20MPG, but they can very. I have had over 270,000 miles on all Four of my PSD's before trading them off, My 97 I still see around town...
  10. CSIPSD

    E40D/4R100 transbrakes

    I think they need some beta testing... I volunteer me...
  11. CSIPSD

    Power steering with 35's??

    well ya, with any lift you should have a dropped pitman arm... but a 13" lift with the stocker... your steering arm must have looked like a ladder.
  12. CSIPSD

    Power steering with 35's??

    Ditto on the PS, as far as oil changes... Just change it with dino every 5000 miles and you will me fine. Diesel rated 15-40
  13. CSIPSD

    Power steering with 35's??

    Ditto on the PS, as far as oil changes... Just change it with dino every 5000 miles and you will me fine. Diesel rated 15-40
  14. CSIPSD

    Exhaust HELP!

    Nope, the shop diesel kits are 4" down pipes...
  15. CSIPSD

    Which performance chip is better?

    TS is who makes the chips everyone use's. They also have there own burns. I had a TS chip, about three years ago... With there hot fuel 7. Fast but hard on components. There stuff is a little older the some of the others mentioned. DI is Diesel Innovations, David Lott. One of if not the...
  16. CSIPSD

    Exhaust HELP!

    Thats the one, I just installed there dual system in my electricians truck... Not bad for a $500 exhaust system! Took me about hour and a half, Duals take longer to look just right.
  17. CSIPSD

    Exhaust HELP!

    Sounds about right for an installed system, If your going to do it do it right. Go for the turbo back. Look at , they have a cheap Aluminized system for $300. You dont need any one to install it, very easy, no more then an hours work if your lifted at all.
  18. CSIPSD

    HP out of my turbo?

    Your good to about 38psi on the stock head bolts and gaskets You should see about 325-350 on the stock turbo, but it will not last long above 25# boost regularly
  19. CSIPSD

    speed limter ?

    You could get a SCT, I think that would work?
  20. CSIPSD

    Whats the loadest muffler you can buy.?

    Yes I did, about 100-150 at WOT and about 30-50 at cruise... And I love my duals...:sweet
  21. CSIPSD

    Help reducing clacking noise under hood

    I cant remember... been a while, I think it was 3/8... diesel rated. And yes, thats about it... Go get about a foot to 18" of both 3/8's and 1/4"... and some hose clamps.
  22. CSIPSD

    exhaust brake

    You have one, unless someone added a different pedestal to your truck... This is the best shot I have, This is with the turbo removed, the plastic connection you see somewhat covered by the rag... Thats the one. Its on the turbo ped.
  23. CSIPSD

    Whats the loadest muffler you can buy.?

    Aerotubine is about the loudest and best. It will lower your EGT's about 100-150 at WOT...
  24. CSIPSD

    Which performance chip is better?

    Injectors for a PSD are in the $1200-$2200 range, depending on type, used parts or all new. You can find a dual HPOP for about $1300+ or -. Bob at Dieselsite has a new single pump comming out soon, should be able to run any aftermarket injectors short of true 530's. My TQ has been between...
  25. CSIPSD

    Help reducing clacking noise under hood

    Several things I can think of, A long lead #8 injector will quiet that noise somewhat, but I would start with the intank and prepump mods. The pre pump mod is removing the two quick connect fittings infront of the pump, they leak air into the fuel and make the injectors noisy. Remove that...

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