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    look... its a frog...

    na... Its my new motor!!!:thumbs

    Houston, We have a problem!!!!

    Good deal!!! Nothing worse then a broke truck!

    This Is Too Sweet (EZ-Down)

    Love mine!!! My only complainant is there a little slow on the down... but its very nice!

    Lifted the wife's truck today.

    LOOKS GREAT!!! My wife would not have anything else...


    Isspro is the brand I recomend...


    To the OP, An AFE stage 2, Any 4" turbo back exhaust, ATS Compressor housing, set of gauges and a Chip from one of the fine vendors will put you right at 300-320 rwhp... and makes a fine tow rig.

    What next???

    Forged Rods seem to hold Ok up to about 600hp... Then your looking at Billet rods, pistons and such.

    What next???

    Big ass Hybrid injectors, a Turbo (H2e or TN T-60), Studs, Valve springs... Intercooler will not help HP wise but it will help with EGT's... FYI, a "chipped" superduty maxes out at about 300-325, after that, its under the valve covers or in the valley ya go...

    What next?

    Quick Disconect... I dont know how they call it that... but remove them and add fuel hose and clamps.
  10. CSIPSD

    50 shot of nitrous?

    Yes, it comes on slower and is not such a shock as No2... also is cheaper to fill and can be used when towing.
  11. CSIPSD

    What next?

    Come over to the house sometime and I will get you set up... A IC will not gain you any HP, a turbo will. Check out Diesel for the Turbonetics turbos. What are you looking to spend? What kind of HP are you wanting?
  12. CSIPSD

    7.3 Horsepower numbers (modified truck)

    351hp-826tq with 40% meth and a BB turbo... 401hp and 908tq with TN and stage 2's and 30% meth... Have not hit the rollers with the hybrids (and with the motor dead, This one will but she will hit the rollers again in a few weeks after a shake down run... I am guessing here but...
  13. CSIPSD

    methanol tank mounting ?

    Nope, you can mount the tank anywhere you want... Some make there own tanks out of 6-8" pvc and a few caps... Mine is in the tool box.
  14. CSIPSD

    My Stupid Truck

    Well I just ate my #4 when a Oring let go... so fuel in the oil is a baaaad thing...
  15. CSIPSD

    methanol tank mounting ?

    My pump... and tank... Sorry, dont have a shot of the 8 gal tank...
  16. CSIPSD

    meth. came in today?

    Y pipe is thick enough to tap... thats where mine have been for two years...
  17. CSIPSD

    meth. came in today?

    It should work... but I would weld a bung in there... or do the Y pipe...
  18. CSIPSD

    dfuser module?

    You can stack a 10-18k mod with a chip, but a well tuned chip will see little if anything with a resistor mod...
  19. CSIPSD

    boost gauge install

    You must drill and tap... otherwise your gauge will flitter at about 10-12#'s boost... I have learned this from over 20 gauge installs...
  20. CSIPSD

    Here is a beef on the X

    Too bad its a little late in production...LOL
  21. CSIPSD

    AFE Stage II vs Donaldson Style Filter

    I have very little blow by, and yes I have checked and checked compression... All good... Stage 2 seals great to the hood... My hood insulation dents prove that...
  22. CSIPSD

    AFE Stage II vs Donaldson Style Filter

    Yes they will. But I have been running the non proguard for over 100k and the intake tube is clean as a babys butt...
  23. CSIPSD

    Here is a beef on the X

    Why didnt they make the second row seat slidable... Just not enough foot room for me... and all that wasted space behind it...
  24. CSIPSD

    6.0 Intercooler upgrade started

    I built a drop bracket for the PS and Tranny cooler when I did mine... Easier because I had a welder sitting there... I also cut and extended the IC tube to make up the differance.
  25. CSIPSD


    Mine is mounted in the tool box, 8 gal res... only way to fly... The WWF res will be empty in less then 40-50 miles of driving. First stage comes on at 8 psi full on at 15 psi. I get 40hp on the dyno at 40% meth... Snows is smoking crack saying you will get 70 hp...

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