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    I gotta problem boys

    Turn the key on and listen for the fuel pump under the cab, its on the frame rail under the driver door

    Bully Dog Power Pup

    LOL program your trans...LOL... ANY tuner will leave signs it has been there... You just have to look in the right places.

    SES light while accelerating

    Doubtful... I have run with No fuel pressure and still not set any code...

    SES light while accelerating

    You can pull the codes any time... Just plug the reader in and go... I would guess a CPS or a Pedal issue

    CEL with Chip

    Its not fuel that your running out of, its HPO... High pressure Oil. If you get a chip the tuner can tune around that... Also get a Overboost fooler, from ITP Diesel, that will stop the overboost...

    Alum or Stainless ?

    depends on where you live, if they salt the roads in the winter or you live on the coast, go SS, if not then the AL will last just fine!

    CEL with Chip

    You can set a over boost code before 20psi, it depends on a few factors. But a ICP code would be my bet too. Pull the codes and tell us whats up...

    Considering my first PSD - need some info/advice

    A F-250 will tow all you will ever really need... OBS are great, had one... The SD are a little easyer to mod and get some big HP out of but there is no real differant in them. OBS have smaller injectors, smaller turbo, mechanical fuel pumps, they dont have IC. But they dont have a dead...

    Garrett 38R

    It would do great on a stock truck, spool quicker, build boost quicker and stay cooler longer...
  10. CSIPSD

    Gauge Questions

    Isspro sells a pressure snubber that will take the bounce out of your gauge, I use one on my manifold pressure...
  11. CSIPSD

    Gauge Questions

    The issue I have with Mech gauges is having hot oil and pressureized fuel in the cab. Its a small price to pay for not getting covered in something I dont want to...LOL
  12. CSIPSD

    Gauge Questions

    You wont find a seam on mine, the door weatherstrip covers it, but I am trying to recall the OBS, maybe they don't cover there??? The Top one tucks under the head liner. It attches with Velcro. The OBS guys could use this same pod with a little shaping of the radis where it hit the top. Ours is...
  13. CSIPSD

    Gauge Questions

    2" or 2 1/16"... Everyone I have seen short of the wood and carbon fiber ones... I don't have an issue with the overlay, its cheaper and works fine. I have 3 LEDs in my A-pillar pod, for the water injection and low water light. There is room to mount the chip switch if you wanted with out any...
  14. CSIPSD


    Only problem with that logic is only 1 out of every 10000 came in with a complant... I have a LL... Its goin bye bye when I get injectors!
  15. CSIPSD

    fuel pressure too much?

    You'll be fine... Mine will vary from 67-75 from day to day... When the fuel filter starts going I see it drop to 60 or so...
  16. CSIPSD

    ATS turbo housing and WW

    You wont see any big gains maybe 5-7 hp... but you will not surge! I had that same set up, then went to a POS garret BB and now to a TN turbo.
  17. CSIPSD

    Newbie needs help

    THere is nothing wrong with K+N's filter media, its the fact that there drop in's dont seal to the box corectly and leak past there. They use the same filter media as all the oiled washable... The proguard 7 is a waste of money too, there standard media has not let anything past on my truck...
  18. CSIPSD

    Newbie needs help

    Superchips sells Chips too, or atleast they did at one point. There's no way to really tell what tune it has, You would be better off replacing it with something you know. Get some gauges in it! They can get hot quickly!!!
  19. CSIPSD

    Fuel Pressure gauge?

    You really want to do it right if your going to place it in the cab... Get a electric gauge... You can use a oil pressure gauge, but the senders dont last sometimes... Some do some dont? But Dont plumb 70psi diesel fuel into the cab...
  20. CSIPSD

    Oil and Fuel pressures

    What truck? SD or OBS? On a SD there is a port next to the oil filter, and another one on top of the HPOP. For fuel there is a port on the drivers side rear of the filter ass. Also added the Tranny port and the water temp port... The Fuel pressure is a bad shot but it gets you in the right...
  21. CSIPSD

    First 1/2 tank of B20

    I just started running B99, and I love it! Really quieted the truck down~!
  22. CSIPSD


    Man that sucks... At first it looked as if the frame was fine, but that last pic tells alot. Is the rear diff cover off or am I seeing things.
  23. CSIPSD

    01' stroke how to make some hp

    It pulls almost everyday... Works great!
  24. CSIPSD

    01' stroke how to make some hp

    Look at my sig, thats put me to 370, and without more drugs or Injectors thats as far as I can get... You will have the weaker rods for that year...
  25. CSIPSD

    Early '99 VS. Late '99... some questions

    The only small problem is when you start to go bigger, ie turbo... You have to replace the intakes, up pipes, flange and pedestal. Not that bad but it still is a PIA. HPOP can be swapped out for a later 02-03 pump and the injectors once put on a flow bench, they are normaly VERY close to the same...

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