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    I want more power

    If you go with a costom chip your not going to see much more then 325 or so... But your truck will shift better, run cooler and get better MPG... Call and talk to these guys. Dp Tuner Stay away from the drugs with your 01... otherwise your PMR rods will (or could) go for a walk...

    Programmer for 7.3 2002

    You can also go with a SCT Xcal 2 .... Just another option out there.

    installing egt gauge

    You can drill and clamp. Thats what I have on the drivers side.

    Im curious about the edge performance chip settings

    Check light has nothing to do with EGT's... there is something else going on. Find the codes and let us know.


    Its not bad, Works as they say... but kinda pricy for the gains...

    installing egt gauge

    Pre turbo or you can have one of these nice pen holders... From a post turbo pyro and a 1100 red line...

    stacks vs. rear exit exh. ???

    No preformance one way or the other.


    The banks 6 gun is a low power, high cost 18k mod, It ties into the ICP sensor... Tops HP gain of about 70hp. Get a SCT X cal2 from Discount Power Parts or Jody at DP Tuner. Both can put a custom tune on a SCT that will blow away anything on the market. AND save your tranny... Something the...

    Tranny temp sending unit location?

    See Pic... Drivers side, just infront of the wire loom...
  10. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    I have thought about that too, but what can you do if they get hot? Not much... Change to a syt fluid... You cant add a cooler or anything... I could add a diff temp then a switch and run both off of one gauge... But thats alot of work for a gauge that never moves
  11. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    HPO pressure will be an electric gauge! I have right and left manifold pyro, Boost and Manifold pressure, Tranny temp, Volts, Tranny drive oil pressure, fuel level (big tank), Fuel pressure, oil pressure, oil temp and water temp. Adding intake air temp, post IC temp and water pressure (for...
  12. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    I have never been a fan of digital gauges, too hard to comprehend on the fly for me. But Auto Enginuity will hook you up that way.
  13. CSIPSD

    Calling all 7.3 techs/specialists got a test

    Under valve cover harness, GPR, I can say with 90% certanty that its not your HPO system.
  14. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    High pressure oil Pressure. You 6.0 guys dont seem to have as much issue with it but the 7.3 it is a big issue with Higher HP programs and injectors
  15. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    Here is one before the Quad A pillar... The HPOP gauge is still a few weeks out.
  16. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    Going on the steering column mount I do think...
  17. CSIPSD

    Another gauge to add to my truck...

    Just a sneak shot.:thumbs
  18. CSIPSD

    gauge pod question

    There is a pod that mounts to the top of the steering column, a single. Also you can drill a hole in the dash and mount it there, to the right of the column.... Humm Not sure if you can do the hole thing on a 05... Also there is a overhead mount, they make a double for that.
  19. CSIPSD

    propane injection????

    What IC did you get?
  20. CSIPSD


    I have run everyones tunes, superchips, hypertech, edge, TS, DI ,DP
  21. CSIPSD

    What do you guys think about Hypertec Hyperpac?

    Let us know what you think! Did you get the extra box for the pyro? Thats one thing my neghbor did not get... He is going to take one of my extra pyros.
  22. CSIPSD

    What do you guys think about Hypertec Hyperpac?

    Where are you tring to connect? A OBD2 port is all standard from brand to brand...
  23. CSIPSD

    What do you guys think about Hypertec Hyperpac?

    The hyperpac is a shift on the fly set up. Its really not a bad system for someone wanting mild performace gains, a full set of gauges, all the data you can pull off the computer...
  24. CSIPSD

    propane injection????

    Should work great!

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