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  1. bartman

    seat belt indicator

    My understanding is that the manual only disables it for that one trip, meaning it resets itself back to beeping the next time you restart the truck.
  2. bartman

    R-134A being discontinued???

    I won't use Freeze12, I was misinformed as to its chemical make up. Don't worry about finding anything other than what is acceptable in my refrigeration systems. To answer your original reply: Yes, I have 1992 Mustang 5.0 that I would like to be able to drive in the heat of the summer...
  3. bartman

    Best year model SD 7.3L?

    2000 for the reasons that JV mentioned.
  4. bartman

    R-134A being discontinued???

    I see that Freeze12 is a safe alternative. I also see that RoyBoy addressed my concerns about flammable refrigerants.
  5. bartman

    Dodge Tow Rating

    More importantly, where are you going to get a trailer that heavy?
  6. bartman

    R-134A being discontinued???

    Isn't Freeze12 mostly propane or some other highly flammable gas? I wouldn't put that under my hood.
  7. bartman

    pick up new truck tonight

    All should be the same as far as i know.
  8. bartman

    HD Radio

    Over the air HDTV would do that, too. It may also be caused by the HD broadcast not being sync'ed exactly to the analog.
  9. bartman

    priced a hypertech set up

    Gauges sold separately. Keep that in mind when you budget, but Tony has great tunes for the 7.3, so I would suggest this route anyway.
  10. bartman

    Well.........Its Official

    Congrats Lance!
  11. bartman


    I can't imagine that it's burried that deep, but I though it was funny to mention that possibility :D I can list a long list of "wouldn't minds" (as you know) that I don't have a way to pay for.
  12. bartman


    It's probably a cab-off repair...
  13. bartman

    Weighed the truck yesterday

    I have Ranch Hands front and back and about 200# worth of tool box. The auto tranny weighs more, too.
  14. bartman

    Weighed the truck yesterday

    Right, yes, it does explain that. It just means that I need to buy more power.
  15. bartman

    Weighed the truck yesterday

    You should. I was somewhat surprised.
  16. bartman

    Weighed the truck yesterday

    LOL....and this was before we stopped for lunch!
  17. bartman

    Weighed the truck yesterday

    So the wife and I were out and about yesterday and I needed to fuel up the truck. Stopped at the Knox truck stop near downtown and fueled up. Afterwards, I spied the Cat scales and rolled over to them. Hit the buttton and the clerk told me 8400# :eek: :eek: I wasn't ready for that. Bottom...
  18. bartman

    Front Axle Seal Replacement......

    Then, I lied. I did the one on the end of the axle tube, not the one near the pumpkin.
  19. bartman

    Front Axle Seal Replacement......

    I did mine when I did the ball joints. Are you looking at the inner seal or outer?
  20. bartman

    Usual boost pressures for a 7.3L ?

    Yeah, the boost fooler won't affect it there. Most people stick it in the MAF line, or in the AIH plug. Both cases get you boost readings after the intercooler. I'm not sure what kind of difference that makes.
  21. bartman

    Usual boost pressures for a 7.3L ?

    You may be pulling your readings from the wrong side of the boost fooler.
  22. bartman

    C-Better mirrors

    I had the non-tow dog ear mirrors when I first bought the truck. They were useless. I stepped up to the towing ones and enjoyed the added field of view with the little ones in addition the the big ones, but still had blind spots. I rode in Bush's truck and I fell in love. I bought the...
  23. bartman

    Usual boost pressures for a 7.3L ?

    If you are seeing 30#, the PO might have disabled the waste gate. You should not see much if any over 25# with a functional waste gate.
  24. bartman

    C-Better mirrors

    I wouldn't want to roll without mine, they rock. A definite must have.
  25. bartman

    boost gauge install

    I can always use a threaded plug if you get too carried away :roflmao

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